Spa Bath Pump Repair Success

Local Spa Repairs Update We recently inspected a customer’s non-working spa bath. After a quick test, it was clear that the pump wasn’t turning on. The issue? A snapped air control line on the pump—an all too common problem for older or uncovered spa bath pumps that

Hotspring Motomassage Jet Repair

Local Spa Repairs Update We recently serviced a Hotspring spa with built-in Motomassage jets, which are designed to provide an excellent massage along your spine. Although the spa was over 10 years old and still in great condition, the Motomassage jets had stopped oscillating due to the

Fixing ‘H’ and ‘HH’ Spa Errors

Local Spa Repairs Update We recently helped a customer with a tricky spa issue: the temperature wouldn’t rise above the mid-20s °C, and the touchpad was unresponsive, showing “H” and “HH” error codes. Even though these codes indicated overheating, the spa was still cold. This usually points

From Algae to Clean: Spa Transformation

Local Spa Repairs Update Diving into a cleaning challenge, we tackled a spa that hadn’t seen any action for years, becoming a safe haven for algae and bacteria. This isn’t just about aesthetics—neglected spas can become health hazards, as our latest customer unfortunately discovered after their DIY